"Do as I say, not as I do!"Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on a crusade to save us. From what is she saving us? Apparently, from ourselves. For we are responsible for this impending doom known as global climate change. How is she going to save us? By going on a 5 week vacation.
San Fran Nan has shut off the lights in the House of Representatives and left the building. Except for some
Republican stalwarts the shiftless lay-abouts of the 110th congress have fled to their various taxpayer subsidized retreats until after Labor Day.
Nancy pulled the plug early on this session of congress last week in order to block debate on offshore drilling. Last Sunday she appeared on “This Week with George Stephanopolous” and gave an empty and bumbling
response to the question of why she would not allow a debate. Stephanopolous did a good job of keeping after her.
What’s the real reason she won’t allow a vote? She argues that offshore drilling will do serious harm to the environment. Is she right? Hardly. It’s all about image. She knows that she will lose. This is her attempt at saving face under the guise of saving the environment and it is all at our expense. Her answer is to have the President release 700 million barrels from the Strategic Oil Reserves. This is an old election year tactic that she knows hasn’t a snowballs chance in hell of happening. Why won’t it happen? Just before the 2000 election Republicans made the same demands from President Clinton that went absolutely nowhere.
She’ll continue to attempt to manipulate the voters by claiming she’s battling the threat of global climate change and that the Republicans are “hand maidens” of the oil industry.
There are real threats and there are imagined threats. Real threats are tangible and can be measured, such as radical Islamic terrorism. How can this be measured? Check out the gigantic hole in the middle of Manhattan.
What is an example if an imagined threat? Global climate change. This is an outright fantasy that exists in the minds of left-wing ideologues like Madame Speaker. And she whips it out and wields it like an axe to thwart any attempt at a reasonable debate on energy.
By the way, in case you’re wondering how Nan is spending her vacation, she’s going on a tour to promote her latest book, “Know Your Power: A Message to America’s Daughters”. Judging by the
reviews at Amazon.com, Nan should have followed her own advice and saved some trees. But then again, that would be contrary to the old liberal credo of “Do as I say, not as I do”.