Monday, June 30, 2008

Emergency Room Vistits Courtesy of Al Gore

My strikingly beautiful wife recently brought to my attention a news article about a new game that kids are playing. What is this game? Well, it involves a simple plastic water bottle. Basically, you take an empty bottle, loosen the cap and twist the center of the bottle. Then, you slam the bottom of the bottle with your hand and the cap shoots off at a high rate of speed. This “cannon” is causing a growing number of eye injuries to not only the participants in this game, but also innocent bystanders.

Now, you can’t use just any kind of bottle. There’s a new kind of bottle that producers of bottled water are using and it is made with a thin plastic. I just happen to have one of these bottles sitting on my desk as I write this posting. Why are they using a thinner plastic? Of course, it’s better for the environment. The law of unintended consequences has also made it better for ocular surgeons and prosthetic eye manufacturers.

Let me get to the point: What does this have to do with Al Gore? Perhaps, very little. But it has everything to do with junk science. And that pompous windbag is the biggest purveyor of this particular form of junk science on the planet. I absolutely rail against global warming alarmists and their minions! The vast majority of them aren’t scientists, don’t hold any scientific degrees or have any specialized training on the subject. They compare global warming to the holocaust. They brand anyone that dares to disagree with them as a Nazi. My blood pressure rises at the very sight of Gore-bot or any Hollywood ding-dong preaching about the environment and how it needs to be “saved”. Surely Al practices what he preaches, right? Umm, no. See
this. Only in this country can a mannequin win an Academy Award for a PowerPoint presentation.

Some friendly advice…Leonardo DiCaprio is no Archimedes. And, brother, if you hold him in high regard because of his environmental theories, you need to stop living on Weird Street and come home for a reality check. And by reality check I mean a good pistol whipping! Wake the f up! You are being scammed!

I’ve said my piece. You know where I stand. If we happen to be engaged in polite conversation in a social setting, for your safety and the safety of those around you, steer clear of the aforementioned subject!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Pimple List v1.0

One huge, festering pimple with two heads.

Joseph Goebbels of the Enviro-Nazis.

Empty suit.

Settled in nicely to his role as a diplo-moron.

Baby daddy?

"You know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes."

Just let your soul glow!

Why the long face?

Not sure he's in control of his own bowels any longer.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shakespeare was right

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
Act IV, Scene II
Henry VI

There is probably no one in the history of recorded time as quotable as the Bard. He is still relevant even 400 years after his death. This particular quote is my favorite. I find it inspirational. Now, the scholarly interpretation of the quote is that he was referring to politicians. But, hey, when you come down to brass tacks lawyers and politicians are mere bastard children of the same wayward mother. The boy president, Willy Clinton, happens to be both. As well as an unequivocal bastard.

There is one particular lawyer/politician who has managed to swim his way to the bottom of the cesspool. Massachusetts State Representative James Fagan, a Dummycrat, said the following on the floor of the Massachusetts state house when referring to the cross examination of child rape victims:

“I’m gonna rip them apart. I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined, that when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody.”

This rant was during a debate on a law that would require stiff mandatory sentences for child sex offenders, aka Jessica’s Law. Rep. Fagan defended these comments by saying it was his duty as a defense attorney in order to save his clients from such “draconian” punishment.

Draconian describes Fagan’s warped sense of morality.

A lawyer’s conscience: Is there such a thing? Not likely. The voters of Massachusetts get what they deserve when they elect this rabble. It’s not surprising. After all, they’ve continuously reelected the Chappaquidick Marauder.

Click here to read the article. If you’d like to send Mr. Fagan a friendly note:

Telephone: 617-722-2040


Address: 26 Dean St.

Taunton, MA 02780