Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fear & Loathing


It has become as obvious as Joe Biden's hair plugs that the attacks on Sarah Palin's character are because of the left's unmitigated disdain for her. Why such animosity? First, she's not the prissy, submissive, seen-but-not-heard female that they had hoped. And second, she doesn't subscribe to the woe is me, womanhood is a burden, feminists unite crap typical of the loony left.

She is a traditionalist and, boy does that grind the femi-nazi's gears. She juggles her duties as a governor with a complicated home life and does it with a glint in her eye. She has accomplished more at the age of 44 than your run-of-the-mill feminist kook could accomplish in 2 lifetimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Philbert!
