Monday, July 21, 2008

Brian, Charlie and Katie. Oh My!

Photo courtesy

The Obama Foreign Express has taken on a few noteworthy passengers for their overseas tour. The Holy Trinity of broadcast network news is along for the ride. Brian Williams of NBC, Charlie Gibson of ABC and Katie Couric of CBS.

Yes, let the coronation begin. The unbiased mainstream media is in full tow for the dog and pony show of the decade. The supreme triumvirate will bestow their blessing upon Barry, the man who would be president and the Bush-hating Europeans will embrace the new messiah.

It doesn’t matter what you think. Damn the Constitution! It’s overrated. The MSM has gone to the voting booth and pulled the lever for you. Don’t make any special plans on November 4th to go to your local polling place. This one’s already been decided.

They were robbed in 2000 and 2004. They’re not taking this one for granted. They’ve pulled out all the stops to make sure this one goes into the win column. Besides, they know what’s best for us. Don’t they?

FOOTNOTE: For those on the left too dim to grasp the concept of sarcasm, the preceding was an example.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Whatever happened to unbiased news? It doesn't exist anymore.

Although, I will say that CNN aired a show about a month ago called "The Next President" where they did an unbiased repot on each candidates views on various issues. There may have been subliminal messages (and there probably were), but if so they were pretty heavily veiled. It was the first report I've seen in ... well, ever ... that actually gave unbiased information. Probably the last report too.
