Thursday, July 10, 2008

Still Pals?


World renowned racial extortionist The Rev. Jesse Jackson made an open mic gaffe on Sunday prior to an interview on FOX News. While chatting with a guest he chastised Barry Obama over his speeches at black churches, saying he is “talking down to black people” and that he (Jesse) wants “to cut his nuts off.”

Obama, to his credit, has been speaking about the responsibilities of parents and fathers’ taking an active role in their children’s lives. Why would Jackson be opposed to this? Quite simply, it would be bad for business. Jackson and others of the same ilk (Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright) make their living off the plight of the black community.

A solid family structure means less delinquency. Less delinquency means more time in school. More time in school means better education. Better education means improved career prospects. Improved career prospects means less crime. You see the trend. And so does Jesse. Where most would see a chance at a better life, Jesse sees impending irrelevance.

It is so blatantly obvious how these so called black leaders manipulate the trust of the communities they are supposed to serve. They tell the oppressed masses what they want to hear. Whitey is the reason for your suffering! But don’t call them on the carpet for it lest ye want to be branded a racist (or Uncle Tom, if you’re black). You cannot question their authority. They are above reproach. They answer to no one.

Jesse called a hasty press conference yesterday and apologized up and down for his remarks. The Obama camp responded that Barry will continue to speak about family responsibility, but that he accepts Jesse’s apology. Jackson seems to have sidestepped the bus, for now.

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