Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Religion of Peace

There was a story from the Associated Press a few days ago about the execution of two women in Afghanistan by the Taliban. The AP reporter who was present took several photos leading up to the execution and, for good measure, took a video of the actual execution. Click here to access the video from The Jawa Report (WARNING: Graphic video!).

From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan through shear brutality. There was no formal government. In fact, what government they had was only recognized by 3 nations: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They imposed Sharia law to the fullest extent. Public executions, usually of women, were commonplace.

Under Sharia, women were forbidden from pursuing an education after the age of 8. They were forced to wear a burqa in public. And they could not be treated by a male doctor without a male chaperon present. Violations of Sharia were punishable by public floggings or execution.

Both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan claim to be our allies in the war on terror. I would beg to differ. They are, in fact, breeding grounds for jihadists. How do they create these terrorists? Are there secret camps in the desert used to train them? No. They just simply use the public school system.

The Hudson Institute, a non-profit research organization, translated text books from the Saudi Ministry of Education. What are some of the things they teach?

  • Every religion other than Islam is false.
  • Those that die outside of Islam will enter hellfire.
  • It is not permitted to be a loyal friend to a non-believer.
  • Jews and Christians are enemies of Islam and do not approve of Muslims.

The text also breaks down blood money for human life. For example, a Muslim man’s life is worth 100 camels. A Muslim woman’s is 50 camels. A male infidel is 50 camels and a female infidel is 25 camels.

In my estimation, this nothing short of state sponsored terrorism. And, contrary to what the peacenik movement may want everyone to believe, we do not manufacture these terrorists through our policies. They are carefully crafted from birth based on warped beliefs handed down from generation to generation.

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